The evenings are getting cooler, pumpkins and mums are at the stores, and pumpkin spice is everywhere. It’s unofficially fall. And what is one of the best parts about fall? The decorating! Today we are going to give you 5 fall porch decor ideas that will make your neighbors have porch envy (it’s a thing LOL).

Create a cozy seating area with lots of different textures and layers
This is probably the best way to create a fall porch that stands out from the rest. When people pass by and see the cozy seating, it will give them the feel goods and make them want to go home and cuddle up with the ones they love.
How to create the look:
- select your seating – benches, swings, and antique furniture work great, but you can use any seating you have
- Put down a rug
- Add a cozy blanket and cute decorative pillow or two
- Place a mum and some pumpkins on the ground next to the seating
- Add a side table if your feeling fancy 😉
Make a cute sign
If you aren’t a crafty person, buying a cute fall porch sign is perfectly acceptable. However, if you are crafty, take the opportunity to do something fun for yourself and try making this fall sign by Rustic Orchard Home.

Add a fun/unexpected element
This one may take some consideration and creativity, but it will be worth it. Whenever people come to your house they will comment on the insert the name of your fun element here. Don’t have time for consideration and creativity. No worries, we’ve got your back. Here is a list of a few items you could use.
- Go antiquing and buy something that really catches your eye
- Old windows
- A piece of artwork
- A fun doormat
Get an awesome wreath
This is one place you’ll want to spurge a bit. The wreath is what is staring at someone when they come to your door. A cheap wreath is fine, but it always looks like a cheap wreath. A really nice wreath, though, makes a big impact and people notice it. Even if you don’t have the time, energy, or desire to do all of the other things on this list, hanging a wreath is something quick and easy that everyone can do. So if you are going to hang a wreath, make it an awesome one that will make an great first impression.

Finish it off with pumpkins, laterns, and mums
Ok so everyone knows this one, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t valid. After all, what is a fall porch without them. Here are some tips to make your pumpkins, laterns, and mums look their best.
- Keep things balanced but not equal- Have the amount of space taken up be about the same, but switch up the color and numbers to create more visual interest.
- Try groupings in odd numbers – 3 is always best.
- Have various colors of mums and pumpkins.
Bonus Tip – More isn’t always better
Just because you love fall, doesn’t mean that your porch needs to look like fall exploded on it. The best porches show restraint and discernment when it comes to decorating. Too much stuff just looks cluttered. Just the right amount looks elegant and sophisticated. This is because it takes more skill to make a big impact with minimal decor. So doing a great job with less actually makes you and your porch look better.
Thanks for reading!
MI Home Team Realtors
Published on 2023-09-13 20:50:30